Technical Centre
Talk to us directly over the phone for additional help or reach us by email anytime.
Greater Vancouver
Technical Support: 604-808-6721
Technical Support: 647-519-8366
Warranty Policy
POS KING shall have no liability or obligation to Purchaser with respect to any Product requiring service during the warranty period which is subjected to any of the following: abuse, improper use; negligence, accident, modification, failure of the end-user to follow the operation procedures outlined in the user’s manual, failure of the end-user to follow the maintenance procedures in the service manual for the Product and attempted repair by non-qualified personnel; operation of the Product outside of the published environmental and electrical parameters, or if such Product’s original identification (trademark, serial number) markings have been defaced, altered, or removed. POS KING excludes used Products which have not been sold by POS KING to the Purchaser.